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Interface com.jhlabs.image.Quantizer

public abstract interface Quantizer
The interface for an image quantizer. The addColor method is called (repeatedly if necessary) with all the image pixels. A color table can then be returned by calling the buildColorTable method.

Method Index

 o addPixels(int[], int, int)
Add pixels to the quantizer.
 o buildColorTable()
 o getIndexForColor(int)
 o setup(int)
Initialize the quantizer.


 o setup
 public abstract void setup(int numColors)
Initialize the quantizer. This should be called before adding any pixels.

numColors - the number of colors we're quantizing to.
 o addPixels
 public abstract void addPixels(int pixels[],
                                int offset,
                                int count)
Add pixels to the quantizer.

pixels - the array of ARGB pixels
offset - the offset into the array
count - the count of pixels
 o buildColorTable
 public abstract int[] buildColorTable()
 o getIndexForColor
 public abstract int getIndexForColor(int rgb)

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