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Class com.jhlabs.math.Noise


public class Noise
extends java.lang.Object
implements com.jhlabs.math.Function1D, com.jhlabs.math.Function2D, com.jhlabs.math.Function3D
Perlin Noise functions

Constructor Index

 o Noise()

Method Index

 o evaluate(double)
 o evaluate(double, double)
 o evaluate(double, double, double)
 o findRange(Function1D, double[])
Returns the minmimum and maximum of a number of random values of the given function.
 o findRange(Function2D, double[])
Returns the minmimum and maximum of a number of random values of the given function.
 o noise1(double)
Compute 1-dimensional Perlin noise.
 o noise2(double, double)
Compute 2-dimensional Perlin noise.
 o noise3(double, double, double)
Compute 3-dimensional Perlin noise.
 o turbulence2(double, double, double)
Compute turbulence using Perlin noise.


 o Noise
 public Noise()


 o evaluate
 public double evaluate(double x)
 o evaluate
 public double evaluate(double x,
                        double y)
 o evaluate
 public double evaluate(double x,
                        double y,
                        double z)
 o turbulence2
 public static double turbulence2(double x,
                                  double y,
                                  double octaves)
Compute turbulence using Perlin noise.

x - the x value
y - the y value
octaves - number of octaves of turbulence
turbulence value at (x,y)
 o noise1
 public static double noise1(double x)
Compute 1-dimensional Perlin noise.

x - the x value
noise value at x in the range -1..1
 o noise2
 public static double noise2(double x,
                             double y)
Compute 2-dimensional Perlin noise.

x - the x coordinate
y - the y coordinate
noise value at (x,y)
 o noise3
 public double noise3(double x,
                      double y,
                      double z)
Compute 3-dimensional Perlin noise.

x - the x coordinate
y - the y coordinate
y - the y coordinate
noise value at (x,y,z)
 o findRange
 public static double[] findRange(com.jhlabs.math.Function1D f,
                                  double minmax[])
Returns the minmimum and maximum of a number of random values of the given function. This is useful for making some stab at normalising the function.

 o findRange
 public static double[] findRange(com.jhlabs.math.Function2D f,
                                  double minmax[])
Returns the minmimum and maximum of a number of random values of the given function. This is useful for making some stab at normalising the function.

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